Today at 2:48 PM
Why hello my favorite people!
It has been a crazy and exciting week! Last Monday I had to head up to Eugene in order to pick up the new missionary! I didn't get to pick her up until Thursday morning so I was in a tripanionship for a couple of days. Let me tell you, it has been a miracle packed week! The three of us were chalk drawing and we talked to a lady who allowed us to come over to her house the next day. We taught her AND her five daughters the restoration! They all wanted their own Book of Mormon which was really cute... Can you blame them? It is a pretty coooool blue book if you ask me! Later that day we were driving down the street and a man yelled out his address. I asked, "have you met with missionaries before?" He replied, "no. I have been a member my whole life but am LA. My family aren't members but I want them to be. Except for my oldest son, he leaves on a mission in a week." Whaaaa? For those of you who don't know, stuff like that doesn't happen super often!
Sister Vance is my new companion! She was one of three sisters who
came into the field this transfer! She is super great I love her! I
remember how terrifying it was to first come into the field and so I
try to help her out the best that I can! It isn't that missionary work gets easier the longer that I am here, but my capacity to so the work grows. I have been relying on my Savior for strength because I can't do this by myself! I relied too heavily on my trainer before and not enough on God. This is forcing me to do otherwise :)
Her faith is tremendous, we have seen so many miracles the couple of
days which we have been here! We found two new investigators and got
to teach a couple people that sister Hamilton and I had been trying to teach the last couple of transfers. The coolest lesson which we had was with a lady named Julie! We taught her the restoration and we could feel the spirit so strong! She could feel it as well, because by the end of the visit she was just bawling! Sister Vance committed her to be baptized and she excitedly exclaimed, "Yes! I really need to be baptized!" She still has a long way to go but I know that with the Saviors help she will be able to do it :)
Ok. Deep breath. I love being a missionary. All of the crazy times and everything.
This week I had a light bulb moment! A.k.a. The spirit touched me! We were talking about the Good Samaritan and how two people walked past a man who was physically ill on the street. Then it hit me! We walk past people EVERYDAY who are spiritually ill! Who are we to judge who will accept the gospel? Who are we to a judge who is worthy of our help and love? We pretend not to see struggling people every single day! My mission has taught me the importance of showing EVERYONE that they are a loved child of god. Trina, who is too drunk to ever know what is
going on. Robert, who wears snowboarding goggles while riding his bike. Sister Hallmark, the stressed out and overwhelmed relief society president. Everyone is loved! I challenge you all to love someone this week who isn't in your circle of friends, or who you wouldn't normally do something nice for!
I love you all!
Sister Jones
P.s. Gabriella looked absolutely adorable in her baptism dress! That
girl is so wonderful :) thanks for the letter Braydon, I know that was
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